Welcome to the website of the Cornwall County Chess Association


Full Set (pdf)

Constitution and competitition rules

General Rules and Policies


Data protection policy

Child protection policy

ECF Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Competition Rules

Rules applicable to all team matches

Rules for County Shield and Roberts Cup

Rules for Quickplay League

Rules for Minor League

Rules for knock-out competitions

Rules re trophies

FIDE Swiss pairing rules


FIDE Laws of Chess (1/1/2023)

DGT3000 digital clock: operating instructions

ECF membership and game fees

Minutes of Meetings

2013 AGM (13/06/2013)  Management Committee (04/07/2013)

2014 AGM (05/06/2014)  Management Committee (26/06/2014)

2015 AGM (11/06/2015)  Management Committee (09/07/2015)

2016 AGM (02/06/2016)

2017 AGM (19/07/2017)  Management Committee (19/07/2017)

2018 AGM (25/06/2018)  Management Committee (25/06/2018) ESC (28/04/2018) ESC (14/08/2018)

2019 AGM (05/06/2019)  Management Committee (05/06/2019)

2020 ESC (09/03/2020) ESC (16/05/2020)

2021 ESC (18/06/2021)

2022 AGM (21/10/2022)  Management Committee (21/10/2022)

2023 AGM (15/06/2023)  Management Committee (15/16/2023)

2024 AGM and Management Committeee (11/06/2024)  


Last updated 23/6/2024