1 |
Website Content |
1.01 |
We endeavour to check the external sites that we link to but we are not responsible for their content. |
2 |
Personal Data |
2.01 |
We adhere to the provisions of the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. |
2.02 |
We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses,
or telephone numbers on our website or in printed publications. |
2.03 |
Personal data will not be collected, processed or retained other than for the purpose of the administration of the association and the organisation of chess event. |
2.04 |
Except as stated below personal data will not be shared with persons and bodies outside the association, and will only be used by organisers of chess events in Cornwall. |
2.05 |
Personal data collected for the purpose of facilitating membership of the English Chess Federations or grading may be transmitted to the English Chess Federation. |
2.06 |
"Blind copy" will be used in sending out emails to groups of people. |
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Recruitment |
3.01 |
All the leaders (at least one per playing room) will hold a current DBS (Enhanced) certificate; and a majority of the helpers will be leaders (i.e. DBS-cleared). In the 2017-2018 season all the leaders are currently working with children in schools or in Cornwall Council services. |
4 |
Photographs |
4.01 |
We will never normally* use the personal details or full
names (which means first name and surname) of any child or adult in a photographic
image on our website or in any of our printed publications.
* If we wish to use named photographs of individuals, we will not use the
full name of that person in the accompanying text or photo caption without
specific express permission from the parent or individual. |
4.02 |
We may use group photographs or footage with very general
labels, such as "county team", "Under 8's in action", or "congress winners",
etc. |
4.03 |
We will only use images of children who are suitably dressed,
to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately. |
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Parental Responsibility |
5.01 |
Parents are responsible for their children during chess events. We will have enough volunteers to run the chess but none to look after children. The only exception is the short Hub session. |
6 |
Code of Conduct for all helpers at Cornwall Chess events |
6.01 |
Do treat everyone with respect. |
6.02 |
Do provide an example you wish others to follow. |
6.03 |
Do plan activities which involve more than one other person being present or at least are within sight or hearing of others. This applies to such activities as one-to-one training and travelling to or from chess events. |
6.04 |
Do respect a young person’s right to privacy. |
6.05 |
Do have separate sleeping accommodation for adults and young people. |
6.06 |
Do provide access for young people to talk to identifiable responsible adults about any concerns they may have. Deal with any concerns in a sympathetic and appropriate manner. |
6.07 |
Do encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like. |
6.08 |
Do avoid situations that compromise your relationship with young people and are unacceptable within a relationship of trust. |
6.09 |
Do remember that someone else might misinterpret your actions, no matter how well-intentioned. |
6.10 |
Do recognise that caution is required even in sensitive moments of counselling. |
6.11 |
Do recognise that children with differing abilities have differing requirements. |
6.12 |
Do recognise that children from different backgrounds may have differing values. |
6.13 |
Do NOT permit abusive peer activities (e.g. bullying, ridiculing). |
6.14 |
Do NOT play physical contact games with young people. |
6.15 |
Do NOT have any inappropriate physical or verbal contact with others. |
6.16 |
Do NOT allow yourself to be drawn into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour such as tantrums. |
6.17 |
Do NOT show favouritism to any individual |
6.18 |
Do NOT make suggestive remarks or gestures even in fun. |
6.19 |
Do NOT let suspicion, disclosure or allegation of abuse go unrecorded or unreported. |
6.20 |
Do NOT rely on just your good name to protect you. |
6.21 |
Do NOT believe ‘it could never happen to me’ |
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Notes on Unacceptable Behaviour by Children |
7.01 |
Participants should be encouraged to develop a sense of right and wrong behaviour. |
7.02 |
Where unacceptable behaviour does take place, appropriate sanctions, decided by a consensus of responsible people present, should be applied to modify the behaviour. |
7.03 |
Sanctions applied to each case should take account of the age and stage of development of the young person, be given at the right time, be relevant to the action and be fair. |
7.04 |
The participant must always be told why the behaviour is unacceptable and the reasons for applying a particular sanction |
7.05 |
Corporal punishment (smacking, slapping or shaking) is illegal and therefore should never be used. It is permissible to take necessary physical action in an emergency to prevent personal injury, either to the young person, other participants or adults, or serious damage to property |
7.06 |
Participants should not be shouted at directly, though raising of the voice is permissible in instances where it is necessary to be heard |
Printable version here |
Last updated 22/4/2018 |