Welcome to the website of the Cornwall County Chess Association
Meeting Night
Fortnightly on Wednesdays
Venue (Map)
The Lowenac Hotel
34 Basset Road
TR14 8SL
Tel: 01209 719295

Camborne Community Centre
9 South Terrace
TR14 8SU

Philip Williams
Secretary and Treasurer
Ian George
01209 719727 (h)
Coaching Organiser
Jamie Morgan
07986 374614
Email: eimajuk@LIVE.CO.UK
Team Captains and Fixtures
County Shield
Jeff Nicholas
Tel: 01209 715067
Match night: Thursdays
Fixtures and results
Wn (W) Sep 26 3 - 1 Newquay
Win (B) Sep 30 3 - 1 Carnon Downs
Win (B) Oct 7 2½ - 1½ North Cornwall
Loss (W) Nov 11 1 - 3 Liskeard
Draw (B) Nov 25 2 - 2 Newquay
Win (B) Dec 5 3 - 1 Calstock
Loss (W) Dec 19 1 - 3 North Cornwall
Win (B) Jan 16 2½ - 1½ Liskeard
Win (W) Jan 23 2½ - 1½ Bude
Loss (W) Feb 13 1½ - 2½ Carnon Downs
Win (W) Mar 26 3 - 1 Calstock
Home Apr 24 Thu Bude
Quickplay League "A" team
Richard Smith
Tel: 07549 185955
Match night: Thursdays
Fixtures and results
Win Sep 12 6½ - 1½ Camborne B
Draw Oct 28 4 - 4 Newquay
Loss Nov 5 3½ - 4½ Carnon Downs
Loss Jan 30 2 - 6 Camborne B
Loss Mar 13 2½ - 5½ Newquay
Home Apr 10 Thu Carnon Downs
Quickplay League "B" team
Colin Sellwood
Tel: 07840 571321
Match night: Thursdays
Fixtures and results
Loss (B) Sep 12 1½ - 6½ Camborne A
Draw Nov 7 4 - 4 Newquay
Win Jan 30 6 - 2 Camborne A
Loss Mar 10 3½ - 4½ Carnon Downs
Away Apr 7 Mon Newquay
Home   Thu Carnon Downs
Minor League
Philip Spargo
Tel: 07977 767328
Match night: Fridays
Fixtures and results
Loss Sep 26 3½ - 4½ Bude
Loss Nov 1 3 - 5 Lerryn
Home TBA TBA Newquay
Win Feb 7 5 - 3 Bude
Loss Mar 4 0 - 8 DEF Lerryn
Draw Mar 24 4 - 4 Newquay
A. W. Busby Cup
Jeff Nicholas
Tel: 01209 715067
Match night: Wednesdays
Fixtures and results
Home TBA TBA Bude
Philip Williams
Ian George
Jamie Morgan
Jeff Nicholas
Colin Sellwood
Percy Gill
Richard Smith
Philip Spargo
Next meeting

The next club meeting will take place at the Lowenac Hotel, Basset Road on Wednesday 2nd April 2025

The meeting will begin at 6 o'clock with a coaching session led by Jamie and Ashley. This will be followed by round 5 of the club championship This will count towards the Camborne Grand Prix.

Chess equipment will be available for those not playing in the club championship.

Club Championship

Full details, including the draw for round 5, are at

Kerrier Cup

The Camborne Rapidplay Championship for the Kerrier Cup was held on 19th March at the Lowenac Hotel. The winner was Philip Williams with 4½/5. 2nd=, on 3½, were David Jenkins and Colin Sellwood.

Camborne Grand Prix
In accordance with tradition, Philip Williams leads after 6 events and 3 rounds of the club championship. Results and standings are at
Important note for drivers

It is a requirement of the hotel that the registration numbers of vehicles parked in their car park are reported to hotel reception immediately on entering the hotel. If you fail to do this, you may incur a financial penalty

Ian George

For more information about the club please contact:
Ian George 01209 719727
About the club
Fortnightly meetings at the Lowenac hotel

At club meetings throughout the season, Jamie Morgan will lead a coaching session starting at 6 p.m. The planned club event will start at 7.15 The sessions will be in a variety of formats:

  • 1) Rapidplay tournaments at a rate of 12 minutes for all the moves with 5 second increments from move 1. This will include the Club rapidplay championship for the Kerrier Cup.
  • 2) Blitz tournaments at a rate of 5 minutes for all the moves with 3 second increments from move 1.
  • 3) 2 themed tournaments where play will start after a few moves of a selected opening. One will feature normal openings, the other will be a gambit tournament.
  • 4) Club championship at the standard play rate of 75 minutes for all the moves with 10 second increments from move 1. There will be 6 rounds, each played at a separate club meeting. The tournament winner will receive the club championship trophy (Trevor Johns Cup) and the highest ranked player rated under 1600 will receive the Philip Williams Cup.
  • 5) The Christmas Quickplay is at our old venue, Bickord Smith Bowling Club, Tuckingmill on Friday 15 December. The chess tournament is really an excuse for a Christmas party. The usual high quality refreshments will be provided by Debbie Smith and everyone gets a prezzie (sorry, I should have said prize).
  • For all the dates, see the calendar in the right-hand column.
    Team matches

    We are running teams in the following competitions of the county leagues:

  • County Shield: 1 team captained by Jeff Nicholas.
  • Quickplay League: 2 teams captained by Richard Smith and Colin Sellwood.
  • Minor League: For players rated below 1650. 1 team captained by Philip Spargo
  • A. W. Busby Cup: 1 team captained by Jeff Nicholas.
  • Home matches will be played on Wednesdays at Camborne community centre.

    The team captains will endeavour to give ample opportunities to play for all those who wish to take part. I hope that you will wish to join a team.

    For all the dates, see the calendar in the right-hand column.

    Club Championship
    This will run throughout the season. Arrangements are:
  • Six round Swiss.
  • Time control: 75 minute + 10 seconds increment from move 1.
  • Games to be played at the club meetings on the dates shown in the right-hand column unless the players agree an alternative date.
  • Games to be submitted for rating in the Standard Play list.
  • Single section with grading prizes
  • The tournament winner will receive the club championship trophy (Trevor Johns Cup) and the highest ranked player rated under 1600 will receive the Philip Williams Cup.
  • Dates of rounds in calendar in the right-hand column.
    Camborne Grand Prix

    This combines a number of the tournaments played at the club, including the club championship.

    Rules   Standings and list of included events


    Last updated 27/3/2025

  • CCCA Team Competitions
    Results (all competitions and teams)
    Board scores - Camborne (all competitions)
    League tables
    Rules (complete set)
    Individual Competitions
    Club championship
    Camborne Grand Prix
    Other links
    AGM 2024
    AGM 2023
    Calendar 2024/25

    Please note that on all the non-match dates below the club will be open for anyone to come and play, whether they are involved in the event or not.

    "Room 15" indicates room 15 (Downstairs) in the Camborne Community Centre. "Room 2/3" indicates room 2/3 (upstairs). "Roche" indicates the Victoria Inn at Roche.

    GP indicates that the event forms part of the Camborne Grand Prix which also includes the club championship.

    The fixture list is provisional and subject to confirmation

    County Shield (Camborne A)
    County Shield (Camborne B)
    Quickplay League (Camborne A)
    Quickplay League (Camborne B)
    Minor League
    A. W. Busby Cup
    TBA Thu Home v Carnon Downs
    TBA Fri Home v Newquay
    TBA TBA Home v Bude
    Apr 2 Wed Club championship Rd.5
    Apr 7 Mon Away v Newquay
    Apr 10 Thu Home v Carnon Downs (Room 15)
    Apr 16 Wed Chess variants
    Apr 24 Thu Home v Bude (Roche)
    Apr 30 Wed Club championship Rd.6
    May 14 Wed Gambit tournament 12/5 5 Rds.
    May 28 Wed Annual General Meeting
    Player Ratings 2024/25
    The 2024/25 ratings of Camborne players are taken from the July 2024 ECF list, amended where nececessary under rule 10 of the Rules Applicable to All Team Matches.
    The full rating list of all players in Cornwall is here
      SP QP
    Ian George 1903 1864
    Jamie Morgan 1880 1819
    Philip Williams 1821 2024
    David Jenkins 1800 1829
    Richard Smith 1792 1767
    Colin Sellwood 1735 1903
    Jeff Nicholas 1729 1940
    Percy Gill 1723 1842
    Peter Doubleday (MIN only)   1592
    Bryan Jones (MIN only)   1530
    Richard Humpleby 1516 1639
    James Tuck 1500E 1503
    Ian Renshaw (MIN only) 1498 1503
    Philip Spargo 1474 1560
    Colin Gardiner 1368 1398
    Pat Scully 1350E 1576
    Ben Barnett 1328 1378
    Rebecca Gardiner 1229 1510
    Ashley Jones 1065 1217
    George Hall 1000P 1000P
    Andy Hunt 1000P 1000P
    Thomas Jefferson 1000P 1000P
    Nick Green 1000P 1000P
    David Whelan 1000P 1000P

    Club Champions (Trevor Johns Cup)

    2023/24 David Jenkins
    2022/23 Jamie Morgan
    2021/22 Not held
    2020/21 Not held
    2019/20 Unfinished
    2018/19 James Hooker
    2017/18 Ian George
    2016/17 Colin Sellwood
    2015/16 David Saqui
    2014/15 Mark Watkins
    Robin Kneebone
    2013/14 Mark Watkins
    2012/13 Mark Watkins
    2011/12 Not held
    2010/11 Not held
    2009/10 Not held
    2008/09 Not held
    2007/08 Ian George
    Philip Williams
    2006/07 Not held
    2005/06 Ian George
    2004/05 Philip Willliams
    2003/04 Ian George
    2002/03 Bas Geelhoed
    2001/02 Ian George
    2000/01 Philip Hutchings
    1999/00 Ian George
    1998/99 Ian George
    1997/98 Philip Williams
    1996/97 Roland Cole
    1995/96 Ian George
    1994/95 Philip Williams
    1993/94 Philip Williams
    Philip Hutchings
    1992/93 Ian George
    Roland Cole
    1991/92 Ian George
    1990/91 Ian George
    Roland Cole
    1989/90 Not held
    1988/89 Not held
    1987/88 Ian George
    1986/87 Philip Williams
    1985/86 Jeff Nicholas
    1984/85 Philip Williams
    Roger Grime
    1983/84 Philip Williams
    1982/83 Ian George
    1981/82 Jeff Nicholas
    1980/81 Roger Grime
    1979/80 Nick Cummings

    Under 125 Champions (Philip Williams Cup)

    2023-24 Bryan Jones
    2022-23 Richard Humpleby
    2021/22 Not held
    2020/21 Not held
    2019/20 Unfinished
    2018/19 Bryan Jones
    2017/18 Not held
    2016/17 Not held
    2015/16 Kenton Richings
    2014/15 Richard Humpleby

    Camborne Grand Prix Winners

    2023/24 Philip Williams
    2022/23 Philip Williams

    Club Links

    Picture Gallery