Welcome to the website of the Cornwall County Chess Association
Round Dates (latest)
Jan 28 Round 1
Feb 11 Round 2
Mar 3 Round 3
Mar 24 Round 4
Apr 7 Round 5
Apr 21 Round 6
May 5 Round 7


Standings after Round 4
1-2 1897 Lloyd Retallick LloydRet 5
  1471 Andy Young Tamarcottage  
3-4 1692 Gary Trudeau uagain 4
  1773 Jamie Morgan eimajuk  
5 1573 Bryan Jones Bjonse
6-8 1524 Anthony Rundle anthammer 3
  1395 Ian Renshaw carrickian  
  1267 Hugh Brown hughgb  
9-12 958 Ashley Jones AJones555
  1629 Trevor Palmer TeePal  
  1397 Philip Spargo combine71  
  1379 Philip May mproines  
13 1400 Rafferty Renshaw Rafferty1 2
14 1273 Lloyd Russell (4 rounds) LloydRussell ½
Results and standings (


Information and Guides
Competition Rules
Guide to Playing Online Matches on Lichess
How to start a game in Lichess
Online Disconnection Guidelines


8th Cornwall Online Congress

General Arrangements

  • 7 rounds to be played fortnightly at dates to be agreed by the players.
  • ½-point byes may be taken in any two rounds. Notice must be given two weeks before the draw is made for the round.
  • In each round the players will play a single game against his/her opponent.
  • Rate of play: 45 minutes each with 15 second per move increments from move 1.
  • Games must Be RATED.
  • All games will be rated for the ECF Online Rating List (Standard Play)
  • The rules are here.
  • Organiser
    Ian George. Email: Phone: 01209 719727. Lichess message: roskearman.

    Round 7 - to be played by Sunday 5 May

  • The draw is shown below.
  • The first named player has white and should issue the challenge.
  • Instructions on how to do this are here
  • Game must Be RATED.
  • Rate of play: 45 minutes each with 15 second per move increments from move 1.
  • The players should make contact immediately so that they can arrange the date and time for their games.
  • As soon as arrangements have been agreed, both players need to inform me by email (, text (07890 133221) or lichess message (roskearman). It is very important that this is done as soon as possible in order to avoid misunderstandings.
  • If the players cannot agree a date and time for their games, please contact me as soon as possible so that a date and time can be arranged.
  • After the games have been played, I need both players to send me the results without delay, please, so that I can publish them and update the standings as soon as possible.
  • The list of entries with email addresses is here.
  • Pairings, results and standings will also be on
  • Round 7
    Andy Young (5) 0 - 1 Jamie Morgan (4)
    Lloyd Retallick (5) 1 - 0 Bryan Jones (3½)
    Hugh Brown (3) 1 - 0 Gary Trudeau (def) (4)
    Ian Renshaw (3) ½ - ½ Anthony Rundle (3)
    Trevor Palmer (2½) 1 - 0 Philip May (2½)
    Ashley Jones (2½) 0 - 1 Philip Spargo (2½)
    Rafferty Renshaw (2) 1 BYE  

    Draw Offers

    There have been several instances in our league and congress of players intending to offer or accept a draw and pressing the RESIGN button instead. This is partly due to the poor design of the relevant lichess page where, instead of placing the DRAW button at either end of the page a long way from the RESIGN button, they have put it in the centre of a row of closely spaced buttons with the RESIGN button on the right.

    Where this has arisen so far the positions have been dead drawn with no winning prospects for either side. In all cases the situation was resolved afterwards by fine sportsmanship on the part of the "winner" in agreeing to a draw.

    In order to prevent this situation occurring in their games, I would urge all players to check carefully before offering or agreeing a draw.

    Ian George

    Take Back Requests

    In common with other online platforms lichess allows players to make a take back request, which the opponent is at liberty to grant or refuse as he or she sees fit. The principal use of this is where a mouse slip causes a player to move a piece to an unintended square.

    I understand how frustrating this is, having done it myself more than once. I also understand that momentary loss of control might affect, for example, an arthritis sufferer. Having said that, I believe that competitive online play should, wherever possible, be conducted according to the same principles as over the board play. Furthermore the use of take back requests has the potential for creating a form of "moral blackmail" whereby the opponent considers that a refusal might, unfairly, be construed as poor sportsmanship.

    Accordingly, while I'm not going to a make a rule prohibiting take back requests, I do not think that they should be used in our online competitions. I therefore request all players to refrain from making them. If you do make one and your opponent refuses, please remember that he or she has every right to do so and that for some people this is a matter of principle.

    The above remarks apply only to our formal competitions and not to the less formal events that we organise from time to time.

    Ian George

    Last updated 4/5/2024

    Round 6
    Gary Trudeau (4) 0 - 1 Andy Young (4)
    Anthony Rundle (3) 0 - 1 Lloyd Retallick (4)
    Jamie Morgan (3) 1 - 0 Trevor Palmer (2½)
    Philip Spargo (2½) 0 - 1 Bryan Jones (2½)
    Rafferty Renshaw (2) 0 - 1 Ian Renshaw (2)
    Philip May (2) ½ - ½ Ashley Jones (2)
    Hugh Brown (2) 1 - 0 BYE  
    Round 5
    Gary Trudeau (3½) ½ - ½ Lloyd Retallick (3½)
    Andy Young (3) 1 - 0 Anthony Rundle (3)
    Ian Renshaw (2) 0 - 1 Jamie Morgan (2)
    Bryan Jones (2) ½ - ½ Trevor Palmer (2)
    Philip Spargo (1½) 1 - 0 Rafferty Renshaw (2)
    Philip May (1½) ½ - ½ Hugh Brown (1½)
    Lloyd Russell (DEF) (½) 0 - 1 Ashley Jones (1)
    Round 4
    Jamie Morgan (2) 0 - 1 Gary Trudeau (2½)
    Andy Young (2) 1 - 0 Bryan Jones (2)
    Anthony Rundle (2) 1 - 0 Rafferty Renshaw (2)
    Trevor Palmer (1) 1 - 0 Philip Spargo (1½)
    Ashley Jones (1) 0 - 1 Ian Renshaw (1)
    Lloyd Russell (½) 0 - 1 Hugh Brown (½)
    Philip May (½) 1 BYE  
    Lloyd Retallick (3) ½ BYE  
    Round 3
    Lloyd Retallick (2) 1 - 0 Jamie Morgan (2)
    Gary Trudeau (2) ½ - ½ Anthony Rundle (1½)
    Rafferty Renshaw (1) 1 - 0 Trevor Palmer (1)
    Bryan Jones (1) 1 - 0 Ashley Jones (1)
    Hugh Brown (½) 0 - 1 Andy Young (1)
    Lloyd Russell (DEF) (½) 0 - 1 Philip Spargo (½)
    Ian Renshaw (½) ½ - ½ Philip May (0)

    Round 2
    Trevor Palmer (1) 0 - 1 Lloyd Retallick (1)
    Jamie Morgan (1) 1 - 0 Bryan Jones (1)
    Ashley Jones (1) 0 - 1 Gary Trudeau (1)
    Anthony Rundle (½) 1 - 0 Hugh Brown (½)
    Andy Young (0) 1 - 0 Lloyd Russell (½)
    Philip May (0) 0 - 1 Rafferty Renshaw (0)
    Philip Spargo (0) ½ - ½ Ian Renshaw (0)
    Round 1
    Lloyd Retallick (0) 1 - 0 Andy Young (0)
    Rafferty Renshaw (0) 0 - 1 Jamie Morgan (0)
    Gary Trudeau (0) 1 - 0 Philip Spargo (0)
    Ian Renshaw (0) 0 - 1 Trevor Palmer (0)
    Bryan Jones (0) 1 - 0 Philip May (0)
    Lloyd Russell (0) ½ - ½Anthony Rundle (0)
    Hugh Brown (0) ½ BYE  
    Ashley Jones (0) 1 BYE