Welcome to the website of the Cornwall County Chess Association
Match Details 2023/24
County Shield
Played on 11 September 2023   Played on 25 September 2023
  Newquay ½ - 3½ Bude     Falmouth & Truro 3 - 1 Newquay
1 1592 Clive Rothery 0 - 1 John Nunn 2556   1 2143 Rami Talab ½ - ½ Clive Rothery 1592
2 1550 Ian Murray 0 - 1 Petra Nunn 2021   2 1833 Richard Stephens 1 - 0 Ian Murray 1550
3 1600 Andy Beach 0 - 1 Maurice Richards 1554   3 1805 Oliver Twentyman 1 - 0 Andy Beach 1600
4 1540 Richard Nancarrow ½ - ½ Lloyd Russell 1283   4 1546 Ian Renshaw ½ - ½ Richard Nancarrow 1540




Played on 15 November 2023   Played on 24 November 2023
  Calstock 1½ - 2½ Newquay     Camborne A 1½ - 2½ Newquay
1 1768 Nigel Kirkman 0 - 1 Clive Rothery 1592   1 1894 Jamie Morgan 0 - 1 Kieran Macphail 1814
2 1666 Mick Hill 1 - 0 Andy Beach 1600   2 1890 Ian George ½ - ½ Clive Rothery 1592
3 1480 Andy Young ½ - ½ Ian Murray 1550   3 1796 Philip Williams 0 - 1 Ian Murray 1550
4 1000 John Threadgold 0 - 1 Mike Burr 1000   4 1763 Jeff Nicholas 1 - 0 Mike Burr 1000




Played on 27 November 2023   Played on 29 January 2024
  Newquay 2½ - 1½ Camborne B     North Cornwall 2½ - 1½ Newquay
1 1900 Richard Clark ½ - ½ Richard Smith 1809   1 2059 Lloyd Retallick 1 - 0 Clive Rothery 1592
2 1592 Clive Rothery 1 - 0 Colin Sellwood 1753   2 1758 David Grant ½ - ½ Ian Murray 1550
3 1550 Ian Murray ½ - ½ Percy Gill 1728   3 1525 Anthony Rundle 1 - 0 Andy Beach 1600
4 1000 Mike Burr ½ - ½ Richard Humpleby 1501         0 - 1 Default  



Played on 8 February 2024   Played on 11 March 2024
  Bude 4 - 0 Newquay     Newquay 1½ - 2½ Camborne A
1 2556 John Nunn 1 - 0 Clive Rothery 1600   1 1600 Clive Rothery ½ - ½ Ian George 1890
2 2021 Petra Nunn 1 - 0 Kieran Macphail 1814   2 1550 Ian Murray ½ - ½ Philip Williams 1796
3 1615 Ian Rescorla 1 - 0 Ian Murray 1550   3 1600 Andy Beach ½ - ½ Jeff Nicholas 1763
4 1795 Geoff Lingard 1 - 0 Andy Beach 1600   4 1540 Richard Nancarrow 0 - 1 Percy Gill 1728

Played on 18 March 2024   Played on 8 April 2024
  Newquay 3 - 1 Falmouth & Truro     Camborne B 2 - 2 Newquay
1 1600 Clive Rothery 0 - 1 Jeremy Menadue 2058   1 1768 David Jenkins ½ - ½ Clive Rothery 1600
2 1550 Ian Murray 1 - 0 Richard Stephens 1833   2 1753 Colin Sellwood ½ - ½ Ian Murray 1550
3 1600 Andy Beach 1 - 0 Ian Renshaw 1546   3 1728 Percy Gill ½ - ½ Andy Beach 1600
4 1540 Richard Nancarrow 1 - 0 Peter Doubleday 1415   4 1446 Philip Spargo ½ - ½ Richard Nancarrow 1540

Played on 22 April 2024   Played on 20 May 2024
  Newquay 1 - 3 North Cornwall     Newquay 3 - 1 Calstock
1 1897 Clive Rothery 1 - 0 Lloyd Retallick 2059   1 1897 Clive Rothery 1 - 0 Nigel Kirkman 1768
2 1550 Ian Murray 0 -1 Anthony Rundle 1525   2 1550 Ian Murray 0 - 1 David Pemberton 1650
3 1600 Andy Beach 0 - 1 David Grant 1750   3 1600 Andy Beach 1 - 0 Andy Young 1480
4 1540 Richard Nancarrow 0 - 1 Ajna Fern 1608   4   Default 1 - 0 Default  

The list of match results for all teams is here
The league tables are here

Quickplay League
Played on 23 October 2023   Played on 21 November 2023
  Falmouth & Truro 3½ - 4½ Newquay     Newquay 2½ - 5½ Camborne A
1 1945 Richard Stephens 1 - 1 Clive Rothery 1592   1 1592 Clive Rothery 0 - 2 Ian George 1956
2 1800 Oliver Twentyman 2 - 0 Andy Beach 1600   2 1600 Andy Beach ½ - 1½ Richard Smith 1747
3 1487 Ian Renshaw ½ - 1½ Ian Murray 1550   3 1550 Ian Murray 1½ - ½ Philip Spargo 1586
4 1382 Hugh Brown 0 - 2 Mike Burr 1000   4 1000 Mike Burr ½ - 1½ Rebecca Gardiner 1257

Played on 22 January 2024   Played on 19 February 2024
  Newquay 6½ - 1½ Camborne B     Newquay 4½ - 3½ Falmouth & Truro
1 Clive Rothery 1812 1 - 1 Colin Sellwood 1866   1 1812 Clive Rothery ½ - 1½ Richard Stephens 1945
2 Ian Murray 1587 1½ - ½ Philip Spargo 1586   2 1587 Ian Murray 2 - 0 Bryan Jones 1518
3 Andy Beach 1563 2 - 0 John James 1518   3 1563 Andy Beach 1 - 1 Peter Doubleday 1517
4 Mike Burr 1000 2 - 0 Ashley Jones 1100   4 1540 Richard Nancarrow 1 - 1 Ian Renshaw 1487



Played on 29 March 2024   Played on 15 April 2024
  Camborne B 3 - 5 Newquay     Camborne A 4½ - 3½ Newquay
1 1659 Richard Humpleby 0 - 2 Clive Rothery 1812   1 1956 Ian George 1 - 1 Clive Rothery 1812
2 1586 Philip Spargo 1 - 1 Ian Murray 1587   2 1747 Richard Smith 1½ - ½ Ian Murray 1587
3 1257 Rebecca Gardiner 1 - 1 Andy Beach 1563   3 1732 David Jenkins 2 - 0 Richard Nancarrow 1540
4 1342 Colin Gardiner 1 - 1 Richard Nancarrow 1540   4 1100 Ashley Jones 0 - 2 Mike Burr 1000

The list of match results for all teams is here
The The league tables are here

Minor League
Played on 9 October 2023   Played on 4 December 2023
  Newquay 4½ - 3½ Liskeard     Newquay 3 - 5 Bude
1 1592 Clive Rothery 1½ - ½ Aaron Hands 1600   1 1592 Clive Rothery 1 - 1 Maurice Richards 1581
2 1600 Andy Beach 1 - 1 Brian Parkin 1625   2 1550 Ian Murray 2 - 0 Reuben Medhurst 1381
3 1550 Ian Murray 1 - 1 Stephen Pearce 1378   3 1000 Gareth Tanner 0 - 2 Dave Westwood 1000
4 1000 Gareth Tanner 1 - 1 Oliver Vine 1000   4 1000 Juraj Piar 0 - 2 Lloyd Russell 1000

Played on 18 December 2023   Played on 16 January 2024
  Newquay 4 - 4 Lerryn     Lerryn 5 - 3 Newquay
1 1550 Ian Murray ½ - 1½ Sergi Valiukh 1542   1 1625 Sergi Valiukh 1 - 1 Ian Murray 1550
2 1563 Andy Beach 1½ - ½ Ajna Fern 1518   2 1518 Ajna Fern 1 - 1 Andy Beach 1563
3 1000 Juraj Piar ½ - 1½ Phil James 1360   3 1360 Phil James 2 - 0 Gareth Tanner 1000
4 1000 Gareth Tanner 1½ - ½ Daniel Mitchelmore 1000   4 1000 Daniel Mitchelmore 1 - 1 Juraj Piar 1000

Played on 14 March 2024   Played on 29 April 2024
  Bude 4 - 4 Newquay     Newquay 8 - 0 Camborne
1 1600 Ted Ardner-Forsdyke 0 - 2 Ian Murray 1587   1   Default 2 - 0 Default  
2 1595 Christine Constable 1 - 1 Andy Beach 1563   2   Default 2 - 0 Default  
3 1181 Lloyd Russell 1 - 1 Harvey Hunt 1000   3   Default 2 - 0 Default  
4   Default 2 - 0 Default     4   Default 2 - 0 Default  


Played on 6 May 2024   Played on 11 May 2024
  Newquay 6 - 2 Liskeard     Camborne 4 - 4 Newquay
1 1550 Ian Murray 2 - 0 Aaron Hands 1631   1 1518 Bryan Jones 1 - 1 Ian Murray 1587
2 1563 Andy Beach 1 - 1 Sam Nicholls 1000   2 1274 Rebecca Gardiner 0 - 2 Andy Beach 1563
3 1000 Gareth Tanner 1 - 1 Oliver Vine 1000   3 1342 Colin Gardiner 1 - 1 Richard Nancarrow 1540
4   Default 2 - 0 Default     4   Default 2 - 0 Default  



The list of match results for all teams is here
The league tables are here

A. W. Busby Cup
Played on 2 October 2023   Final: Played on 13 May 2024
  Newquay 4 - 0 Liskeard     Newquay 1½ - 2½ Camborne
1   Default 1 - 0 Default     1 1897 Clive Rothery ½ - ½ Ian George 1890
2   Default 1 - 0 Default     2 1550 Ian Murray ½ - ½ Philip Williams 1796
3   Default 1 - 0 Default     3 1600 Andy Beach ½ - ½ Jeff Nicholas 1763
4   Default 1 - 0 Default     4 1540 Richard Nancarrow 0 - 1 Percy Gill 1728


The list of match results for all teams is here

Last updated 21/5/2024