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Home | Contact | Clubs | Team competitions | Current season | Games | Cornwall Rating List | Information | County team | Archive | Links |
Organiser and Controller
Ian George
Email: 3a.roskear@gmail.com
Tel: 01209 719727 (preferred)
Text: 07890 133221
lichess: roskearman
Jan 22 | Preliminary Round Cornwall v Gloucestershire |
Feb 19 | Semi Finals 1) Hants/Dorset/Wilts v Gloucestershire 2) Devon v Somerset |
Mar 12 | Final Hants/Dorset/Wilts v Devon Losers Final Gloucestershire v Somerset |
Team Captain
Jamie Morgan.
2029 | Jeremy Menadue | Kernow1 |
1904 | Lloyd Retallick | LloydRet |
1824 | Ian George | roskearman |
1794 | Jamie Morgan | eimajuk |
1747 | Richard Smith | lionheartrich |
1722 | Gary Trudeau | uagain |
1678 | Jason Henderson | Jason_Henderson |
1644 | Mick Hill | mickhill |
1641 | Trevor Palmer | TeePal |
1657 | Nigel Kirkman | Knighski9 |
1577 | Bryan Jones | Bjonse |
1490 | Andy Young | TamarCottage |
1489 | Anthony Rundle | anthammer |
1469 | Peter Doubleday | Bemusement |
1460 | Michael Nunn | Nova149 |
1434 | Maurice Richards | maurice48 |
1424 | Ian Renshaw | carrickian |
1414 | Maria Evdokimova | VasilisaKrasa |
1412 | Philip Spargo | Combine71 |
Team Captain
Jonathan Underwood.
2409 | Gary Lane | GaryLaneChess |
2245 | Scott Crockart | Scottycroc |
2237 | John Stephens | JKFStephens |
2176 | Jonathan Underwood | Axmouth |
2126 | Paul O'Neill | Taborisrevenge |
2098 | Tom Thorpe | Chesster1883 |
2043 | Tim Paulden | ExeterPrez |
2010 | Oliver Wensley | MagnoliaChess |
2007 | Chris Lowe | timetrouble65 |
2004 | Chris Archer-Lock | Greenarmada |
1989 | Alan Brusey | netley |
1960 | Steve Martin | quickfist |
1948 | Caleb Caleshu | calebc100 |
1912 | Doug Morton | Doug1978 |
1881 | Martin Goldschmidt | AAlekhine2025 |
1848 | Nicolas Bacon | MateinMinusThree |
1826 | Nick Butland | PilgrimFather |
1746 | Michael Marshall | MikeMarshall |
1714 | Alastair Marston | AlastairM |
1708 | Charlie Howard | sheeptick |
Team Captain
Vince Southcott.
2281 | Duncan Dicks | PanicButton |
2218 | Joey Stewart | Kingchessadmin |
2145 | Ian Robson | Robbo125 |
2105 | Mike Ashworth | Mickster198 |
1955 | John Jenkins | missedidea |
1919 | Ben Lappin | benjaminlappin |
1889 | Rob Ashworth | rash54 |
1825 | Alex Carey | AlexanderCarey |
1822 | Rich MacLannan | Motivatio |
1807 | Matthew Hammond | fusillipasta |
1777 | Harry Davison | Harryjwd |
1764 | Pete Nelson | Automaticblues |
1735 | Tom Weavin | HolyMonkey |
1727 | Chris Haynes | barakthedyer |
1697 | Graham Brown | itsthebishop |
1673 | George Courtney-Holt | GiorgioTheFalcon12 |
1638 | Adrian Walker | Rooinek |
1611 | Ainsley Killey | ainsleykilley |
1589 | Matt Reekie-Black | Mattblackmatt2 |
1426 | Kevin Markey | KevinMarkey |
1420 | John-Paul McDonald | jp_mcdonald |
1327 | Greta Bullman | Greta5724 |
1290 | Zandi Gillespie | nobody_really |
Hampshire, Dorset & Wiltshire
Team Captain
Graham Stuart
2085 | Iwan Cave | Twickenham2014 |
2023 | Allan Pleasants | DragonOfWales |
2022 | Keith Gregory | KeithDFG |
2019 | Martin Buckmaster | ASTIST |
1955 | Rajasekhar Pentakota | Warlock247 |
1927 | Roger Marsh | RogerMarsh |
1919 | Mike Krawczuk | KpaB4yk |
1891 | Simon Redmill | SMRedmill |
1807 | James Chilton | jmschilton |
1795 | Jamie Doyle | chessmonkey_durban |
1763 | Graham Stuart | Willhesac |
1762 | Tim Jones | TimJones72 |
1725 | Tom Philidor | TomPhilidor |
1718 | Chris McSheehy | chrismcsheehy |
1712 | Gillian Moore | GillianMoore |
1687 | Phil Pinto | obone |
1666 | Amanda Jones | AmandaJones |
1650 | David Culliford | djc202 |
1645 | Roy Ludlow | Orient1962 |
1639 | Ed Blanden | eab150 |
1639 | Melissa Hamilton | mhxx |
1585 | Sam Murphy | MurphyMagic |
1498 | Jonathan Young | Hopton5 |
1413 | Kevin Huntley | Salisbury64 |
1375 | Patrick Pavey | PatrickPavey |
Team Captain
Guy Greenland.
2306 | Jack Rudd | JackRudd |
2081 | Peter Chaplin | PeterChaplin |
2058 | Kevin Thurlow | JohanKjeldahl |
1983 | Adam Batson | AdamB79 |
1979 | Alice Lampard | AliceeL |
1967 | George Miller | geawge |
1842 | Hugo Fowler | Fowlerdog101 |
1744 | Frey Lant | FfGod |
1731 | Caspian Fowler | Caspar678 |
1733 | Oliver Isaac | OTI97 |
1705 | Bruce Dos Santos | iyahdub |
1703 | Nick Best | Haan_Solo |
1698 | Chris Strong | MrStrong |
1693 | Brian Gosling | Raleigh |
1685 | Roger Morgan | rogerwilliammorgan |
1655 | Niall Homer | Tower_of_Power |
1687 | Peter Dimond | Mincarlo |
1658 | Arnold Acibar | knightboomerang |
1654 | Guy Greenland | doodlebugs |
1514 | Merlin Saunders | MerlinSaunders |
1573 | Adrian Byrne | AdeyB |
1546 | Haroon Symonds | hatch1 |
1535 | Mikey Wright | ShadowMikey |
1508 | Martyn Maber | sokolskyb4 |
1416 | Hanni Laurie | han303 |
1367 | William Veitch | WilliamVeitch |
1328 | Mareks Ogars | Mar3ksO |
1286 | Adri Van Hensbergen | Megabusyman |
1183 | Jack Hill | Jacksmacky |
West of England Counties Online Championship 2023
Congratulations to Devon on winning the competition for a third year in a row. Gloucestershire defeated Somerset in the "plate" final.
I hope all the players enjoyed it. My thanks to the team captains whose co-operation and good will throughout made my job as organiser something of an armchair ride. I look forward to starting the 4th Western Counties Online Championship in January 2024.
Last updated 13/3/2023
Preliminary round: 22 January 2023 | ||
Cornwall | 6½ - 9½ | Gloucestershire |
Semi-finals: 19 February 2023 | ||
Hampshire/Dorset/Wiltshire | 9 - 7 | Gloucestershire |
Devon | 10½ - 5½ | Somerset |
Finals: 12 March 2023 | ||
Hampshire/Dorset/Wiltshire | 4 - 12 | Devon |
Gloucestershire | 13 - 2 | Somerset |
Hants/Dorset/Wilts | 4 - 12 | Devon | |||
1 | 2085 | Iwan Cave | 0 - 1 | IM Gary Lane | 2409 |
2 | 2023 | Allan Pleasants | 1 - 0 | Scott Crockart | 2245 |
3 | 1955 | Rajasekhar Pentakota | ½ - ½ | John Stephens | 2237 |
4 | 1919 | Mike Krawczuk | ½ - ½ | Tim Paulden | 2043 |
5 | 1927 | Roger Marsh | 0 - 1 | Chris Lowe | 2007 |
6 | 1891 | Simon Redmill | 0 - 1 | Chris Archer-Lock | 2004 |
7 | 1807 | Jamie Chilton | 0 - 1 | Alan W Brusey | 1989 |
8 | 1795 | Jamie Doyle | 0 - 1 | Caleb Caleshu | 1948 |
9 | 1762 | Tim Jones | 1 - 0 | Steven Martin | 1960 |
10 | 1687 | Phil Pinto | 0 - 1 | Oliver Wensley | 2010 |
11 | 1718 | Chris McSheehy | 1 - 0 | Doug Morton | 1912 |
12 | 1645 | Roy Ludlow | 0 - 1 | Martin Goldschmidt | 1881 |
13 | 1725 | Tom Philidor | 0 - 1 | Nick J Butland | 1826 |
14 | 1498 | Jonathan Young | 0 - 1 | Michael Marshall | 1746 |
15 | 1585 | Sam Murphy | 0 - 1 | Alastair Marston | 1714 |
16 | 1375 | Patrick Pavey | 0 - 1 | Charlie V Howard | 1708 |
Hants/Dorset/Wilts have white on the odd boards |
Gloucestershire | 13 - 2 | Somerset | |||
1 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
2 | 2218 | Joey Stewart | 1 - 0 | Kevin Thurlow | 2058 |
3 | 2105 | Mike Ashworth | 1 - 0 | Hugo Fowler | 1842 |
4 | 1955 | John Jenkins | 1 - 0 | Brian Gosling | 1693 |
5 | 1919 | Ben Lappin | 1 - 0 | Peter Dimond | 1687 |
6 | 1889 | Rob Ashworth | ½ - ½ | Arnold Acibar | 1658 |
7 | 1807 | Matthew Hammond | 1 - 0 | Niall Homer | 1655 |
8 | 1777 | Harry Davison | 1 - 0 | Guy Greenland | 1654 |
9 | 1764 | Pete Nelson | ½ - ½ | Adrian Byrne | 1573 |
10 | 1735 | Tom Weavin | 0 - 1 | Haroon Symonds | 1546 |
11 | 1673 | George Courtney-Holt | TBA | Hanni Lauri | 1416 |
12 | 1638 | Adrian Walker | 1 - 0 | Adri Van Hensbergen | 1286 |
13 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
14 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
15 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
16 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
Gloucestershire have white on the odd boards |
Hants/Dorset/Wilts | 9 - 7 | Gloucestershire | |||
1 | 2023 | Allan Pleasants | 0 - 1 | Duncan Dicks | 2281 |
2 | 2085 | Iwan Cave | ½ - ½ | Joey Stewart | 2218 |
3 | 1955 | Rajasekhar Pentakota | ½ - ½ | Ian Robson | 2145 |
4 | 2019 | Martin Buckmaster | 0 - 1 | John Jenkins | 1955 |
5 | 1919 | Mike Krawczuk | 0 - 1 | Alex Carey | 1825 |
6 | 1927 | Roger Marsh | 1 - 0 | Matthew Hammond | 1807 |
7 | 1891 | Simon Redmill | 0 - 1 | Rich MacLannan | 1822 |
8 | 1807 | Jamie Chilton | 1 - 0 | Harry Davison | 1777 |
9 | 1795 | Jamie Doyle | 1 - 0 | Rob Wilden | 1763 |
10 | 1762 | Tim Jones | 1 - 0 | Tom Weavin | 1735 |
11 | 1639 | Melissa Hamilton | 0 - 1 | Chris Haynes | 1727 |
12 | 1687 | Phil Pinto | 1 - 0 | Adrian Walker | 1638 |
13 | 1718 | Chris McSheehy | 1 - 0 | Matt Reekie-Black | 1589 |
14 | 1712 | Gillian Moore | 1 - 0 | Kevin Markey | 1426 |
15 | 1666 | Amanda Jones | 1 - 0 | Zandi Gillespie | 1290 |
16 | 1498 | Jonathan Young | 0 - 1 | Greta Bullman | 1327 |
Hants/Dorset/Wilts have white on the odd boards |
Devon | 10½ - 5½ | Somerset | |||
1 | 2409 | IM Gary Lane | 1 - 0 | 2306 | Jack Rudd |
2 | 2245 | Scott Crockart | 1 - 0 | 2058 | Kevin Thurlow |
3 | Default | 0 - 1 | Default | ||
4 | 2098 | Tom Thorpe | ½ - ½ | 1842 | Hugo Fowler |
5 | 2007 | Chris Lowe | ½ - ½ | 1744 | Frey Lant |
6 | 2004 | Chris Archer-Lock | 1 - 0 | 1731 | Caspian Fowler |
7 | 1989 | Alan W Brusey | 1 - 0 | 1685 | Roger Morgan |
8 | 1948 | Caleb Caleshu | 1 - 0 | 1698 | Chris Strong |
9 | 1960 | Steven Martin | ½ - ½ | 1693 | Brian Gosling |
10 | Default | 1 - 0 | Default | ||
11 | 1912 | Doug Morton | 0 - 1 | 1658 | Arnold Acibar |
12 | 1881 | Martin Goldschmidt | 0 - 1 | 1655 | Niall Homer |
13 | 1826 | Nick J Butland | 1 - 0 | 1654 | Guy Greenland |
14 | 1746 | Michael Marshall | 0 - 1 | 1546 | Haroon Symonds |
15 | 1714 | Alastair Marston | 1 - 0 | 1416 | Hanni Lauri |
16 | 1708 | Charlie V Howard | 1 - 0 | 1286 | Adri Van Hensbergen |
Devon have white on the odd boards |
Cornwall | 6½ - 9½ | Gloucestershire | |||
1 | 2029 | Jeremy Menadue | ½ - ½ | Duncan Dicks | 2281 |
2 | 1904 | Lloyd Retallick | 0 - 1 | Mike Ashworth | 2105 |
3 | 1794 | Jamie Morgan | 0 - 1 | John Jenkins | 1955 |
4 | 1747 | Richard Smith | ½ - ½ | Rob Ashworth | 1889 |
5 | Default | 0 - 1 | Default | ||
6 | 1678 | Jason Henderson | 1 - 0 | Harry Davison | 1777 |
7 | 1644 | Mick Hill | 1 - 0 | Pete Nelson | 1764 |
8 | 1641 | Trevor Palmer | 0 - 1 | Tom Weavin | 1735 |
9 | 1657 | Nigel Kirkman | 0 - 1 | Graham Brown | 1697 |
10 | 1577 | Bryan Jones | 0 - 1 | George Courtney-Holt | 1673 |
11 | 1490 | Andy Young | 1 - 0 | Adrian Walker | 1638 |
12 | 1489 | Anthony Rundle | 0 - 1 | Ainsley Killey | 1611 |
13 | 1469 | Peter Doubleday | 1 - 0 | Matt Reekie-Black | 1589 |
14 | 1434 | Maurice Richards | 0 - 1 | Kevin Markey | 1426 |
15 | 1424 | Ian Renshaw | ½ - ½ | Greta Bullman | 1327 |
16 | 1414 | Maria Evdokimova | 1 - 0 | Zandi Gillespie | 1290 |
Cornwall have white on the odd boards |